Tricks to Get Started


OK, I guess this post should be a bit longer than that…

Start slow. As slow as is comfortable. But start. The real tricks all come later when we start working on how to make this new thing a habit.

You don’t have to have the perfect shoes (though we will talk about how to find those soon). You don’t need an Apple Watch or a Fitbit, or the perfect water wicking top or shorts to keep you cool or at least looking cool. Lace up your sneakers, wear something comfortable and get out there. Go for a ten minute walk while taking a break at work. Do 30 minutes before you jump in the shower in the morning. Take a stroll with your significant other or your dog after dinner when the weather cooperates. Hit the treadmill when it doesn’t if you have the option.

Walking will meet you where you are. Get out there a couple of times and gauge where you are. The goal is to walk fast enough to get your heart rate up. Walk fast enough that you feel a bit of strain but can still have a conversation (assuming your dog is in the mood for one). It’ll get more complicated after you’ve logged a few weeks or even months. We’ll start talking about how to measure the effectiveness of the walk. About making a plan to get out there everyday. Eventually we’ll even start layering in some more kinds of exercise because we do need more than just this depending on our goals.

Studies show that multiple short walks are an effective way to achieve your 30 minutes or mile or whatever your initial goal might be for each day. You don’t need  30 minutes or an hour all at once.

Your body gets multiple benefits from walking outside, but if the weather is tough and you have access to a treadmill, or work in a building that’s big enough to do a few laps in, do that. Head to the nearest big shopping center and pretend to be headed to a sale.

Deciding good enough is difficult for some of us, but if perfect stops you from getting started then improvise and get going. It is all just an experiment.

Make an agreement to get out there everyday for the week. Or for the next five days. Start figuring out where in your schedule you can add this in. Then circle back and we’ll talk more. How did it feel?

IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m not a doctor prescribing you fixes. I don’t know where you are starting or what issues might be present for you. For most of us, going to your doctor and telling them you started a walking program will bring only support and elation. But if you have some underlying issues, or medical questions, or haven’t been to see your doctor in a while, give them a call and make an appointment. We’re all doing this to be safe, healthy, and prettier—well maybe that’s just me—so start right by getting some buy in from your health provider.